The Only Way

It always amazes me how "christians" can get so rude, insulting and mean when they think they are right.
A real Christian has a teaching heart, where the goal is to educate in truth with a humility to learn as well. It's definitely not to belittle, smear or degrade.
"Why can't you see it!"
"If only you had studied as much as I"
"You need to wake up!"
That's just stupid"
I've heard all of these and many more.
If the goal is to win, to be above the other, that is not is goat-like.
The truth is, that if you are really a follower of Jesus Christ and know a truth that others can't see, you will be humbled, not arrogant, because the truth is revealed by a relationship with Jesus, not by our intelligence, persistence or skill in debate.
If you have been given grace to know something that others can't see, like salvation through Jesus, you did not earn it or deserve it. It was given to you, like all blessings, by God Himself.
Know truth, and be humbled by it.
There is no other way.
