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The Real Spiritual Warfare

Updated: Feb 16

I saw a post the other day of a priest talking about exorcism. He spoke of the power of God, which was true, but, he also said the devil told him once that Christians would destroy him if they knew the power of praying a rosery. This is a lie, well, from the devil himself!

Look, if you can see it, the lie has not changed. The truth has not changed. It has been the same from the beginning. Mankind didn't trust God, and believed the lie that they could become "like God".

This self-ascension, is the exact opposite of trusting God. It is trusting self. It started with the devil and has been permeating humanity since Adam reached out to take the fruit. Yes, the sin, the act, was an expression of the doubt the serpent put in his heart.

James 1:13-15

13. When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;

14. but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.

15. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

The desire to be like God. It is the root of all spiritual warfare. It is the struggle we face daily.

"Do I trust God in this, or act?"

"It is up to me!"

"God wants me to be happy."

"If I pray this way, things will happen!"

"If there is a will, there is a way!"

"I have the power of prayer!"

"I have the power of faith!"

"I have the power of holiness!"

Heman - "I have the power!!!"

Yeah, don't.

Taking control is a lie from the devil. Raising yourself is a lie from the devil.

Trusting in anything but God, is a lie from the devil.

Using words or actions repetitively offers mankind the idea that there is power in it.

It is witchcraft.

How in any reality would a repetitive phrase in Latin, or Swahili, force a spiritual being to obey? It is like an ant chanting and dancing in order to force you to get them a piece of candy!

It is absurd.

This lie of power has permitted not only all society, but also the churches. Most Christians already know how Jesus said it was foolish to pray repetitively. So repeating 100 Our Fathers does nothing. Yet, they think praying with gusto or shouting does?

How about obeying the rules so strictly that they become prideful about it? How about boasting about all the "spiritual" visions and experiences? How about "faith" to command demons and money?

It is ALL the same lie.

You can see the way the world is heading. It is going into a dark place. It was written about many years ago. Do you trust God and His Word? If you do, you know the outcome. Our only option is to ride it out by trusting God, including His purpose and plan.

If you don't know yet that God is good, no matter what happens, you will not have the faith to survive what is coming. I'm sorry, but you won't.

To grow that faith in God, you will need to stop trusting in you.

"That seems weak!"

This is the true spiritual warfare. This is the true battle. Since there was nothing you could do to be saved, why do you think it changed?

It didn't.

Faith in God though Jesus Christ alone saves.

It doesn't matter who wins the white house. Your prayers aren't going to change what the Father has written. Your prayers only help you acknowledge and accept God. You cannot hurt Satan with your words...or your attitude.

He is laughing at you!

What he doesn't want is for you to stop "working" and start trusting God. It's not going to change what he will do to the world, but it will keep him from getting you to walk away from God.

Lift up Jesus. He is the true King. He is in control. He has a plan, and it's the best plan possible.

Then, if you trust Him, and nothing else, point others to Him.

He is The Way.

The only Way.

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