The Right Path
Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
2 Thessalonians 2:10b-11
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
The more I seek the kingdom of God and truth, the more I see the bizarre nature of how people cling to lies.
It is rather disturbing…and frustrating.
In this election cycle I see lies on both sides, yet people will either defend their candidate or attack the other one and his or her followers. It doesn’t matter, because neither are good.
No, I am not saying one option is better than the other. Again, it doesn’t matter. Why? Because, the world will go the way it has been written. The Accuser will rise and the children of God will be attacked. It has been written this way since the beginning.
No, there is nothing you or anyone else can do…except prepare.
How? Seek the truth. It is not hard to find. In fact, it is and always has been right in front of everyone. I have come to see very clearly that it is not the level of deception that deceives. No, not at all, it is the desire in each person to want to believe the lie.
What I don’t understand is why anyone would want to believe a lie. Sure, truth is expansive. God, after all is huge. He is the very essence of truth. But to look at Him, we have to see ourselves for what we are…not Him. Is that so bad?
Apparently so.
This I don’t understand.
I, like everyone else, want to be loved. This seems to be the main focus, second only to being respected. God does both for each of us. But the lie seems to supersede this drive. The lie is and always has been that WE can be god. This of course is blatantly stupid. Yet even Christians seem to get caught up in this with some goofy idea that through faith or works or some man made effort we can attain to the perfection of Christ. This is just simply not so.
Grace. That was the whole point. We need it because we can’t become anything more than what God made us, human, not god, not angel, not anything but human.
Yet, human is a big deal to God and His plan. No, we don’t know His plan, but we do know He said it was a big deal. He, of all in the universe, has absolutely no reason to lie. Only those who cannot, or will not, accept the truth have a reason to believe a lie.
So, what is your reason?
The truth is right in front of you. It always has been and always will. There will be no excuse when this is all said and done.
To accept the truth is to look at reality without preconception. Without a single hope of how you fit. Without ego, pride, or self realization. This is the truth of seeking the Kingdom of God.
Ignore what you have been told and reach out to the One who IS the source of ALL reality.
He is truth.
And He will reveal Himself to those who seek Him.
That is His promise.
And, yes, it is true.