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The Source of Truth

Yes, I write a lot of "pointy" things. Some days more than others.

This is why I created the Warrior gif.

I also know it generates ill will toward me, ranging from "Oh boy, not another one", to "I can't stand that guy!"

Does it bother me? Sometimes. The lack of discussion or interest is more of an issue to me, though.

You must understand, I really don't come up with this stuff. I don't.

Everytime, I'm usually sitting with a coffee or beer talking to God. Then the words just come. What I write down takes only minutes. It just keeps coming, and I type what I hear. I'm generally not thinking of anyone, or any situation in particular. I get words and feelings and I write them. It takes me longer to clean up my poor typing than it does to write them down.

I actually have many articles, not posted, that I started getting information, but then it just stops. I figure, when He wants it written, He will continue. He has done that before after all.

So, in saying this, I believe its important that folks understand my position here. I'm just doing what I'm told. Writing by faith so to speak. If I'm crazy, well, feel free to ignore me. However, if I'm not...well, I think from the pointed tone of what He is saying, ignoring His messages can be rather detrimental.

Test me then, if you will. I get almost no argument, or questions. You are welcome, even encouraged to. If He is talking, as I fully believe He is, then I am sure He will give a reasonable response.

Know this though, I will not spend tons of time watching someone else's videos or sermons. I just dont have an attention span for that. So, if you dissagree on a point, regurgitate the information from the video in your own words. If you can't, I question who you are trusting in.

Additionally, I will debate as long as anyone wants, and I will do so without insult, or rudeness. I am required to. But, if given that attitude, I will stop. I do not feel compelled by God to continue any discussion that gets mean.

I am not Jesus, so unless He compels me to do otherwise, I will simply not respond.

My goal is just to do what He wants, and share all He shares with me.

Some of these things took me 30+ years to swallow. I no longer expect anyone to accept them in a few minutes.

Yeah, Martha was who God used to bring that nugget of wisdom...

God is the source, we are just passing His stuff along...or not.

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