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Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

I have taught for over 20 years now that there is nothing we need to do to remain saved as a follower of Jesus Christ. My point has been that there was nothing we did to get saved, why do we now think there are things we must do to keep it?

Does it make any sense for God to offer so freely the greatest gift, then take it away when He finds we are not worthy of hanging on to what we were never worthy to receive? No, it doesn’t make sense at all. Yet, that is the way most all followers of the way live. Please stop!

Knowing who God is, is key to walking with Him, just like it is when living life with your spouse. We need to recognize who God is, this is confessing with our mouth. “Our Father, who is in heaven. Hallowed be your name.”

God is the being over all things…ALL THINGS. We must get rid of this stupid idea that God is invading our world. He created our world and never lost the authority over it to the devil because Adam gave it away.

This idea is as absurd as a Father losing a whole house to a 12 year old because his preteen deceived the 2 year old. What father in his right mind would give authority over his entire house to one who he made so stupid as to be ready to give it away? Do you see the ridiculousness of this thought?

God is GOD. He is over all things, even the words I type. He made all matter, physical and spiritual. He made time and space. He made the devil. He made the angels. He made the ground under our feet and they sky over our heads. Jesus is the word, the very programming code all of reality is built upon.

John 1-3 NIV

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

There is nothing outside of His authority and power. The devil didn’t steal anything; the authority he has was given to him. He said that to Jesus during the temptation in the desert. Jesus never refuted him either. Who gave Satan the authority over the kingdoms of men?


God is the only one who has the authority and He gives it to anyone He chooses.

A policeman has authority. That authority is given by the city or state. That policeman cannot therefore give that authority to anyone without the decision by the city or state. Authority is not transferable without the consent of THE ONE in authority.

God’s rule is supreme.

Salvation comes when we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. Looking at that statement, it is nothing more than an acknowledgement of what is true about God and His authority. The only other step in the salvation model is believing that God (the Father) raised Him from the dead. This is acceptance of that authority and our place in it.

Faith is not something we can just do. You can’t make yourself believe anything. You either do or you don’t. The bible says over and over that the faith to believe comes straight from the Father. It is given to us; all we do is receive it.

You can’t receive it if you don’t first acknowledge it! Try catching a ball without acknowledging its approach.

You cannot acknowledge the balls approach if you can’t even see it coming. Second, if you don’t know where it came from you are not likely to catch it. Rather, you are likely to move out of the way. However, if you see who is throwing the ball and recognize them as a friend, you are much more likely to catch it.

When we hear the message of the good news, the Father sent it. When we finally see the source who sends it, and then receive Him, we become saved. For those who become saved, the message just “rings true”. Our receiving or acceptance, is the faith that is given by the Father. He taught us to catch it.

"So don’t we need to water it now?"

No, the Father does that too. But we do need to always receive it in the same way. The only way for the process to stop is if we stop trusting the Father and walk away. You can’t play catch with your dad if you leave his presence and refuse to accept what He throws to you.

Ah, but if God gave you the faith to begin with, this you will not do. You cannot lose your salvation, but you can prove you never had it.

With acceptance of the King, His “kingdom has come”. With faith in who He is, we respond to His will with agreement, “His will be done”. We begin to play the game of catch with our Father.

The devil does have authority. He is basically a bad mayor. The governor or king has the authority to put him down when ever He wants. Since He hasn’t done so, it is clear…He doesn’t want to yet.

Does this trouble you?

It shouldn’t.

Scripture is clear. God will set things right when it is time…His Time. It is also clear that God has a purpose for this whole thing. He is the author, the very words on the page. No one or nothing is challenging His authority.

I have said before, the devil is like Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars universe. God is like George Lucas. Can you imagine the character Palpatine trying to overthrow George? The thought is absurd. Now the devil/Palpatine may very well think he can accomplish this absurd task, it cannot happen, ever.

So when God’s kingdom comes, the darkness moves because it has to. There is no fight, there is no chance, there is nothing else for it to do.

"So why do we keep getting beaten by the devil?"

Do you acknowledge the King? “Our Father who is in Heaven”.

Do you know who He is? “Holy is your name”…singular, powerful, no one and nothing is even close

Do you accept His plan for you and all of yours? “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”

If we accept God, through Jesus Christ and believe in Him and His power, there is nothing that can stop us. Not the Devil, not the government, not family, not the church, not “friends” not anything. The only thing holding us back is God Himself.

It is just not time yet.

God is not waiting for you!! He doesn’t need any of us to accomplish His plan, we are His plan!

When God wants to move His Kingdom, He will.

The knight doesn’t act without the king’s authority. He doesn’t attack the kingdom of the enemy on his own. His authority comes from the King. His action is always in response to the King! It is the King who moves the Kingdom.

We are just His children in this game of catch.

Are you playing the game?

Have you been looking for more?

Are you tired of the soft game?

Get ready. He is about to throw you a fast ball.

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