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Utter Arrogance




asuperlative in quality

bof the most exalted kind supreme

sovereign virtue

chaving generalized curative powers

a sovereign remedy

dof an unqualified nature unmitigated

sovereign contempt

e: having undisputed ascendancy : paramount


a: possessed of supreme power

a sovereign ruler

b: unlimited in extent : absolute

c: enjoying autonomy : independent

sovereign states

3relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a supreme ruler royal

a sovereign right

free will


1voluntary choice or decision

I do this of my own free will

2freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention



1: having reached a decision firmly resolved

was determined to become a pilot

is determined not to let it happen again

A choice is a determination, or decision. If you believe that you have freewill, then you believe, by definition, that God cannot interfere with your decisions. Therefore He is not sovereign.

Additionally, if you believe that God can only respond to your choices, then you have raised yourself up to be like God, even if only regarding your short life choices.

Satan, the father of lies, started with this one, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."

Satan gave this lie to mankind in the Garden. "If you eat this, you will become like God." Now, we struggle with God for control.

This IS the Sin Nature.

The opposite of this is to realize we cannot be God (the purpose for the Law), and then turn (repent), and trust Him for Grace. Acceptance by God, is found only by trusting in Him. If He is limited by any choices, other than His own, you cannot, and do not trust Him.

You do realize that the only program that has ever worked for those struggling with drugs and alcohol is the Twelve Step program. It's guiding principle is that we are incapable of changing, and must trust a higher power to make us change.

Sure, the program has a overly broad view of God, yet the principle still works because God responds to faith!

Do you trust God in everything, or make Him less, by believing He is just doing the best He can?

Look, God is outside of time and space. He is the Author of the story. THE controlling interest in ALL reality. He doesn't make mistakes. He never needs to backup and try again. If all of this is so, if there was a better way of doing this reality, then He would have done it. Therefore, this world, with all is evil, is exactly as He intends it to be...for whatever purpose He really has.

It's perfect.

Do you believe in Him? Or do you really think it's up to YOU to make it better?

If you do, then you are just like the devil. He thinks he can do it better too.


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