Well, Lookie There!
Updated: Feb 21, 2024
Luke 22:31-34
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.
But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
But he replied, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death."
Jesus answered, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me."
Like many passages in the Book, this one is loaded with info.
First off, the Scripture where Jesus said He saw Satan fall like lightning is before this passage in chapter ten of the book of Luke.
Satan has not been kicked out of heaven yet, as it doesn't happen until Michael and his angels battle with him, and boot him out.
This won't happen until the end times as listed in the book of Revelation chapter 12. Satan's "fall" in chapter 10 is the same as "he fell upon his enemy", it is more of an aggressive attack due to the advancing of God's kingdom on the Earth.
Satan makes his request to The Father, who is sovereign over all man. Although clearly Satan doesn't see that The Father is Sovereign over him in the same way! Like Job, he wants to "accuse" Peter and show him to be faithless.
The test wasn't the pressure to deny Jesus as that event was going to happen as Jesus stated, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me."
This event was definite.
Jesus didn't just have foreknowledge, it was determined by the Father so Satan could "sift" Peter using the temptation to deny Jesus because of fear. Peter was definitely going to deny Jesus.
"But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail." Did Peter's faith fail? No, or Jesus' prayer failed, which is not possible since He is God and all.
The true test from The Father was in the return.
Peter's faith did not fail, because he returned as Jesus also said he would, "And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
Peter's decision to deny Jesus three times was his decision, but it was clearly orchestrated and determined to be so by God The Father. Sorry, no free will here.
Jesus prayed that Peters faith would not fail and it didn't. He did not run off an kill himself like Judas. He didn't go out get drunk and give up. After several agonizing days of doubt, harsh self analysis, and terrible questions, Peter was there running to the tomb after the resurrection.
Just consider how Peter's days went. While weeping just after the third rooster crowed, I'm am sure the devil played havoc with his thoughts:
"You denied Him! You know he said that if anyone denied him, he would deny them before his father'"
but, Jesus said He forgives us. He loves me even in my weakness...
"You were the one who betrayed him!"
No, that can't be! Judas was with the guards. It looks like he might have led them!
"No! It was you!! YOU ARE THE BETRAYER!"
I figure the devil was relentless and repetitive while Jesus was in the tomb. I doubt Peter slept much at all. Yet even though he did the denial, he could have leaned heavily on what Jesus said: "when you return". Jesus knew he would return, He said so!
This whole event was a major training event for Peter to see the power and sovereignty of God along with the immeasurable grace given to those with the faith to return.
Ah, but as with all things written in the book, this information is also there for me...and you if you have the faith to look at it.