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What Jesus wants for Christmas

I finally jumped into the shower this Christmas morning. As usual, I turned on the radio for a distraction. Since it is Christmas morning, it just didn't feel right listening to the classic rock station. I avoid the national Christian station (K-love) like the plague, because they bombard you with mostly advertisements. I picked a smaller Christian station 90.9 instead. I was hoping for Christmas music, but found a teaching program from one of the big name guys.

Of course, he spoke of a Christmas theme. He spoke what God wants this Christmas. Unfortunately, he was terribly wrong.

He spoke of the gifts given to Jesus as He was born. He spoke of their practicality. He spoke of the honor they bestowed. He spoke of how we should offer God something as well. He said we should offer our hearts and give to others as an expression.

So, what was wrong with this message? Our hearts? Our positive feelings? No, that is not what God wants.

God doesn't want you to show your heart for Him by being nice. Nor does He want you to give Him your heart by expressing kindness to the poor, giving the unfortunate your time, nor singing Chistmasy songs around your neighborhood.

What God really wants, not just for Christmas, is for you to KNOW Him.

Faith is what saves us. Faith is how we can walk in power rather than just getting beaten by this world. Faith, of course, comes from KNOWING the object of our faith. That would be Jesus, God in time and space.

Look, knowing Him is the only thing we can boast about according to the Word of God. Knowing Him is the reason to offer gifts of substance or service. Without knowing Him, the offering of your heart is worthless.

I am amazed at how people will so readily talk of worship to God, yet don't really want to know Him at all.

A distant God is not what we have here. The only reason He ever seems distant is because people want Him that way.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He spoke to men in the past. He speaks to men now and He will speak to men tomorrow. He speaks to you. Always to tell you more about Himself.

God wants relationship. God, just like us, wants to be known. Yes, He is a big God, outside of time and space. A big reason for the whole Jesus thing was for us to be able to grasp a relationship with a God that big. Jesus is the mediator in more than just forgiveness. He is the beginning of our connection with that rather huge being we call God. The Holy Spirit is the connection, the access to the very mind of God. Yes, He is.

You see, when a person comes to Jesus, it happens from an introduction. It is just the first meeting. It is a rather drastic event because when it happens...we are born. The bible is clear. We were dead, and now we are alive. We were like zombies that got the cure. We become a real live spiritual being on that day.

Happily, that is not the end of it. It is just the beginning of a journey to a deeper and deeper relationship with the maker of all of matter, time and space. Yea, big stuff here.

Why then, do so many sit in this comfort zone of happily just knowing Jesus as this 60s like love and peace guy?


Why are you so afraid of God? He came and went through life and then death on a cross - for you. Is that not enough for you to see that He wants more?

No, He doesn't just want your heart. He want all of your life - heart, attention and even your focus. He wants to be known by you.

I know Him. In this I will boast. I know Him better than I know myself. How? Because when I realized what He was offering 30+ years ago, I was not satisfied. I wanted more. I am still not satisfied, and I never will be. I fell in love with the maker of me.

How do we know Him? It is really simple. Ask the tough questions. Stop avoiding them. Get in His face. Not with attitude, but with a mind and heart to build a long lasting relationship.

Tough questions? Come on, we all have them, but most are even to afraid to think about them. Why is there pain? Why death at all? Why sin? Why must my loved ones hurt? Why does it seem like you hate me? and my big favorite...Why did you create a devil knowing full well what he was going to do!?

Yes, God has reasons for all of these questions. Really good reasons too. He will tell you them. It may take some time though, because just like a father teaching his son, you must understand the basics before you can handle the greater understanding of things.

I may not be successful in work. I may not be successful in ministry. I may not be successful in family either. But what I am successful in is worth far more than success in every area of life.

I know God.

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