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Why Do You Not Cry?

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

Matthew 7:13 (NIV)

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.


I had a God dream last night; well actually it was more like an hour ago as it is currently 4:45 am.  In the dream I entered a lobby like room with turnstiles facing forward.  On the left was an exit doorway.  As I walked in heading toward the turnstiles, I stopped and turned around.  There were a lot of people coming in through double doors just like I had.  Most of them were filing in, and heading left through the exit doorway there.  It was rather crowded as they were pushing their way through that one door.  It was-then that I realized what was happening.

The turnstiles were the gateway to heaven, while the door on the left was the way to destruction. Salvation or not, that was the two options.  Being absolutely stunned at the sheer number of people going through the door on the left, I dropped to my hands and knees, and cried. 

As I cried there on the ground, The Lord stepped forward, and faced the turnstiles where only a handful of people had passed through.  He said to them, “Do you see the many who are heading to destruction?  Why do you not cry like this one?” 

Look, it was just a God dream.  These dreams make a strong point.  The point wasn't to say I am better than anyone. It was the whole message that mattered.  I just remember it well because I cried. Yes, I woke up crying, both eyes full of tears.  That has now only happened twice in my life from a dream.   

I am still overwhelmed by feeling from this dream.  You see, as one who has read the bible for many years on a daily basis, I know what it says.  Jesus, according to the entire book, is the ONLY way to become right with our Maker. Though belief, or trust in Jesus is the only way, there are many, MANY, who believe they are right because they were told they were good enough (bad teachers).  There are also many who believe they really believe in Jesus as well…who really don’t.  That is the most disturbing to me. 

I don’t think I am better, but after reading that book daily for over 20 years (minus 3 or 4 days), I see that many have no clue what is taught in it.  Yes, Jesus is the way to be saved.  However, the bible clearly says that if you believe in Him, you will ACT differently.  Act how? Well, as Jesus Himself said in Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Love God and love others. Do you see?  A Christian is not perfect.  Clearly we need the grace and mercy of God through Jesus Christ.  Upon receiving that Grace we are then covered with His righteousness.  We are not perfect, but because we have received the grace of God, we now become filled with the Love of God.  A person in Love does not live in such a way that the person they love would hate. Lies, cruel words, insult, injury, rudeness… anything that tears another down rather than builds them up.  These things God hates. 

If you love your spouse, and they are asthmatic.  Second hand smoke causes them pain.  If you love them would you continue smoking?  No.  You would change your behavior BECAUSE you love them.  God hates lies, do you lie?  God hates gossip, do you gossip?  I could go on and on.  Yes we all fail, because we are in a sinful world and made of flesh.  Yet, we have the option of repentance.  If we love God, that is where we will live…in a constant state of repentance, always turning back to God. 

Do you go to Church? I see so many who blow the Sunday meeting off.  Why?  Do you love God?  When I was young and met my wife, I fell in Love.  I would forgo anything to be with her.  Love is shown by what we do, just like faith.  I have been adamant about Church attendance.  Sure I can meet with God in the woods (I have heard this many times over the years), but God commands us to not forsake the gathering of ourselves.  Like all of His commands, they are for OUR benefit.  We need to stand together and help each other.  I have stuck with this for years, even in Churches where the pastor and/or most of the people didn't like me much.  I went, and go, because I want to be with God, and others who Love God…because He is pleased by it.

MANY are heading through the door on the left.  And in the dream, most of them were unbelievably stunned that they didn't make it.  I cry in my heart for them.  I wish there was more I could do.  All I can say is looking that book!  If you are a Christian, you follow Christ.  How can you follow Christ if you don’t even know what He says? 

Jesus is the only way to be saved.  Jesus will forgive us if we come to Him.  Jesus will also give us His Spirit when we do.  His Spirit will generate the necessary Love to change us.  That Love will drive us to meet with others and read His word. That Love will also show in how we treat others. 

So, as it is written:

Philippians 2:12 (NIV)

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence,but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 

Are you heading toward the turnstiles?  Would you look back and see the MANY who are heading out the door?  Do you cry for them?  Better yet… let’s start pointing them to the turnstiles before its too late…


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