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Why would God create evil?

Why did any author create a story with evil?

Could be for selling books and making a profit.

It could be they wanted to entertain people.

It could be just something a budding author wanted to try as an experience.

Yet God doesn't need money...He already has everything.

He doesn't need to impress or entertain people or angels, He can do that just by being there.

He sure doesn't need experience since He has existed before time began.

So, why would a loving God create evil?

Well, first off, He is not a loving God.

"What!? Are you mad!?"

Well, He is loving, but He is also much, much more.

He is anger.

He is strength.

He is power.

He is, frankly, everything!

And, of course He is purpose.

I don't know why God created evil.

No one does.

I don't think He has told even the angels why.

I do know that God is awesome.

I do know He has a reason for everything, including evil.

In time, He will make it known and no one is going to be even remotely able to say, "Seriously? That is what we struggled for?"

No, I think we are all going to be dumbfounded in amazement and appreciation for just being able to participate some small way in His plan.

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