Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda

If you believe in God, the biblical God, who is in complete control, then you can let go of regret, disappointment, and pain from your past choices.
Proverbs 16:9
9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
In the Star Wars universe, George Lucas wrote the story. The story is linear, there was no other path for it to go. From Luke Skywalker's viewpoint, it was written before he was created. Luke was conceived in the mind of the author, before his life was written down on the page.
Imagine Luke, sitting on that island regretting his past mistakes. He did you know, it is shown in The Last Jedi film. It is sad, because He didn't have to...ah, but he did. It was written that way after all.
OK, so what if it was written that Luke became aware of George? Say, Luke understood that he was an important character in his creator's universe.
How that would have made a difference! All his mistakes with Kylo Ren, his choice to leave the Degobah System, which cost him his hand, would be known as predestined. They were GOING to happen. His only real choice would be to trust in George...or not.
Had George written Luke that way, the island situation would have been much different. He would have been able to let go of all that could have, or should have been, because the Author was the only one who really had those choices.
John 8:31-32
31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Freedom, such a nice word. Free from what? Sin, or the separation between us and God brings a world of bad feelings, thoughts, and regrets...a life of sorrow and pain.
What a difference it makes to know that all of it, ALL of it, was penned by a good creator. He is the one who moved and motivated us and our enemies into position and purpose.
Forgive your enemies? Impossible, unless you accept that The Author put them there to strengthen your faith.
Forgive yourself? Impossible, unless you accept that The Author orchestrated your choices to humble and grow you into a character ready for the climax of the story.
Free, truly free. It can be ours if we can accept and believe our Author is both in control AND good!
Of course, you can only do this if The Author has written your character to do so...
Yes, it is impossible to fully understand. Yet, biblically, it is so.
You can be free. It depends on The Author. It depends on your acceptance of Him. It depends of what type of character He is making you to be.
Are you a Luke Skywalker?
Are you a Anakin Skywalker?
Are you a Hans Solo?
Or, are you an Emperor Palpatine?
Even worse, a Jar Jar Binks?
I can tell you, if you hate, resent, or disregard The Author, you are not primary protagonist, but things can change. It all depends on your acceptance of The Author. Only the main characters will get to know our Author the way HE IS.
The Force Awakens!
Moses did, David did, Peter did, and Paul did. Yes, they were all important characters in the story that is Jesus Christ.
Are you free?
Do you know what type of character you are?
If you know, you know. It just is what He wants it to be.
Of course, it never hurts to reach out to The Author and simply ask...
