You Will
Yea, I know is sounds crazy to those of you who don't believe there is a God (frankly with the complexity of our current reality, I think maybe, we are not the crazy ones). Oh, and yes, I believe in the bible, a book professed by itself to be authored by the creator to guide us to Himself.
I will also add that I take the book literally, rather than allegorically (if I did, I could impose any meaning I want into it thereby making its teaching useless).
Considering all of this, yes, the bible really does teach that a coming ruler will take charge over most of the nations of the world. He is un-affectionately called the Anti-Christ, simply because he will oppose Jesus Christ. He will not in anyway be like the movies where bats or Dobermans will follow him and kill whoever irks him. No, he will be considered amazing and so wonderful many will believe him to be a god on the earth. He will even seemingly rise from the dead after a mortal head wound. Everyone will marvel at him. Yes, he will bring peace… for a very short while, then he will start war after war until Jesus returns.
So, how will this guy take over? Well, it will not be in the US as we are not even remotely mentioned in scripture. No, he will most likely be European or from somewhere over in the EU area. However, he will need the US to fall in line or be so decimated that we cannot or will not pose a threat to his dominance.
To do this, the devil will most certainly need to make us get rid of our guns, like he has done with other countries who could pose a threat to his plan.
So if you are the devil and you are prepping the world to accept your guy so you can lead them willingly to destruction, with a message of peace. What better way than to use your demonic minions to motivate those will a lesser grasp on reality to shoot up places that will tug the heart strings of the populous? Of course, if you hit the right places, time and time again, you could easily convince “peace” loving people that guns are the problem, not the demonically motivated crazies that pull the trigger. Easy peasy.
Once the means to prevent a dictator is gone, we will quickly line up to the “new” EU and this “wonderful” leader. Then there is nothing in the devil’s way to have his guy drive the world into full rebellion against God.
Look, I for one am all for letting this guy come so we can quickly get to the next phase where Jesus runs the show. Scary as it sounds, it will only last 3 and a half years. I think I can get through that, with the Holy Spirit’s covering, and then as it is written “no more tears, no more sorrow”. Yea, that sounds pretty good to me!
OK, so you think this reason to hold off on letting the government take our guns is a bit nuts, well then, consider this: Right now, Donald Trump is in the white house. If he takes your guns, what is to stop him from becoming the Hitler like character that you have droned on and on about for a while now?
What if you like Trump? OK, then what if Oprah gets elected next, or God forbid, we DO end up with Hillary… and either one has complete ability to take over our dying Republic?
Neither scenario sounds too good. Me, I am ready for the end to come. If you are not, I suggest you fight like mad to oppose the gun control plans of the devil.
Don’t believe in the devil? Just wait a little while…. You will.