You Won't Find Evidence…if you don't look.
Updated: Feb 22, 2024

I find this really frustrating. Still, all I can do is tell what I know. What people do or don't do with it is up to them. I do wish God would give me the authority to raise the dead or heal the sick, anything so that what I say or write might carry some weight. Of course, if The Lord of Heaven wanted, it would be so. So frustrated it is.
Additionally, if God wanted, the interest would be there. He is the one who calls.
There are so many arguments against the idea that there is a creator. When I didn't understand, and when I was just starting on the journey to understand, these arguments also seemed to be reasonable to me. As I have grown, I have found that these arguments are ridiculous. Even along the way, much of what I struggled to understand or rather accept was just plain silly.
It is perspective.
When we are teenagers, we want freedom from our parents, but do not really understand that the cost of it is responsibility. As we get older, we long for the days of simplicity and a lack of responsibility because of parental rules. It is impossible to go back.
Once you see from the other perspective, there is no going back. When the perspective you now see from is much better, you want others to see it too. It is like seeing the way out of a hard situation. You just want to share it so others will also escape. When they refuse to listen and yet complain about their situation, well, yeah, you begin to think a two by four will help…
There is a God. I have experienced enough evidence to confirm that several hundred times over. He is also good, really, really good. I know this again, by evidence.
How did I get this evidence? I looked. That is all. Oh, and I kept looking.
You see, God, if He inspires you to look, will be found by you. There is nothing you can do to stop this process, because you won't want to. Yet, if you don't want to, you will not see the truth if it is right in front of you. You will believe the lies.
If you don't acknowledge God, you will never believe in Him.
If you don't accept God as He is, you will never grow your faith in Him.
I have said repeatedly, the problem is on our end. God is easy to find. He has promised to be so. We are the ones who limit this relationship.
This science or study of God and truth can never end. He is infinite, we will always have a long way to go. You can get comfortable in what you know as a child, but to grow into adulthood, you eventually have to put away the childish things and accept the responsibility as an adult. The only way to do that is to grow in understanding by experiencing God personally…continually.
Part of that responsibility is to help others see. This is rather difficult as the perspective you see from is either difficult for the child to see or impossible, because they refuse to see.
Yes, frustrating.
Still, you have to try…and try…and try.
